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Antares mic modeler efx air torrent

Pickup Pattern - If your source mic has variable pickup patterns, enter the selected pattern in the Source Mic Pattern menu. If your selected modeled mic has a low cut filter, you can model the effects of any of its settings with the Modeled Mic Low Cut menu. Low Cut Filter - If your source mic has a low cut filter, enter its setting in the Source Mic Low Cut menu.

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With Mic Mod EFX's Proximity controls, you can actually create the effects of different mic distances based on the specific physical properties of each individual modeled mic. Proximity - Proximity Effect is a bass boost that results from placing a directional mic in close proximity to a signal source (e.g., a singer's lips). Source Mic and Modeled Mic - Simply select the mic you're using (or used during your original recording) and the mic you want it to sound like. And for that final touch of perfection, you can even add some tasty tube saturation. Wind screen on or off? Close or far placement? Each option results in the same sonic effect that it would have with the actual modeled mic. Does the mic have a low cut filter? If so, it's in the model. Not only do Mic Mod EFX's models reproduce all of the subtle sonic characteristics that make each microphone unique, but they also give you control of each mic's specific options.

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If you've ever wished for an extensive collection of exotic mics (but shuddered at the cost), then Mic Mod EFX is the plug-in for you. You can even use it during mixdown to effectively change the mic on an already recorded track.

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Or use it in live performance to get the sound of mics you'd never consider using on stage. With Mic Mod EFX, you can afford to record each track through a model of the specific mic that will best produce that ideal sound you're looking for.

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